Ordinary membership is open to any neuropsychological society in Europe concerned with the objectives of the Federation. The society which applies for membership has to agree the objects of the federation. Furthermore it has to pay an annual membership subscription. For each country two societies can be accepted. Additional criteria for membership can be specified. If you are interested please contact us.
Any request for membership has to be sent to the FESN. The response is to write a formal application to the President and Executive Secretary following the guidelines mentioned above. The application is sent to the task force on new membership appraisal (please see: https://www.fesn.eu/about-us/organigram/task-forces/ ).
The task force on new membership appraisal reviews the application, writes a report, which is sent to the President and Executive Secretary, ending with a recommendation about membership (full, associate or negative response).
The President and Executive Secretary start an email vote with the council members, sending the report of the task force on new membership appraisal and the recommendation. The deadline for response is within 15 days. No response is considered as approval.
The response is transmitted by the President, together with a communication of the Executive Secretary about the obligations to fulfill. The obligations consist the acceptance of the constitution and the payment of the annual fee (please see: https://www.fesn.eu/about-us/constitution/ ). After payment and when the process is completed, the membership is immediately effective.
When you send your request, please make sure, that you send adequate information about your society including the name of your society in english and your language, the acronym, the purpose and place of business, the adress of your website, relevant e-mail adresses, the name of your president and the name of the corresponding delegate. Furthermore, please answer the following questions: